Thursday, January 29, 2015

Argumentative Research Paper Scoring Guide

Help! Our scoring guide for your research paper is too wordy. We need to pare it down to the essentials so that any student can understand what is expected. The scoring guide also needs to be matched to the Common Core State Standards. Good luck!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Your research ideas

  • Is America a bully?
  • Is the economic/ educational/ social stretch (inequality) ruining America?
  • College costs
  • Welfare/ public assistance
  • Technology/ monitoring
  • Are we living in a sci fi society?
  • Minority issues
  • Common Core
  • Gender equity
  • When does adulthood start? 
  • Are today's adolescents spoiled, over nurtured?  
  • Helicopter parents
  • Sexualization of advertising
  • Why we can't brainstorm effectively 
  • Portrayal of homosexuality in the media
  • Are sports and extracurriculars ruining American education? 
  • Are we the instant generation? 
  • Pageants for young girls
  • Ebola is a conspiracy
  • The fault of our generation lies with our parents

Monday, January 5, 2015

Article of the Week 2015 #1: Elf on the Shelf

Please read the this article and write your analysis. Your annotations and analysis are due on Friday, January 9th.