Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Your research ideas

  • Is America a bully?
  • Is the economic/ educational/ social stretch (inequality) ruining America?
  • College costs
  • Welfare/ public assistance
  • Technology/ monitoring
  • Are we living in a sci fi society?
  • Minority issues
  • Common Core
  • Gender equity
  • When does adulthood start? 
  • Are today's adolescents spoiled, over nurtured?  
  • Helicopter parents
  • Sexualization of advertising
  • Why we can't brainstorm effectively 
  • Portrayal of homosexuality in the media
  • Are sports and extracurriculars ruining American education? 
  • Are we the instant generation? 
  • Pageants for young girls
  • Ebola is a conspiracy
  • The fault of our generation lies with our parents

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