Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Research and Article of the Week #3

If you've finished your research paper, it is now graded. If you haven't finished your paper, you need to do that today.

You have three tasks for February 17th:

1. Reread your research paper and make corrections. Please do not resolve comments that I've made; just leave them as is. I don't mark every comma issue or run on sentence (although I sometimes just correct them if something is really bothering me), so learn to be your own best editor. Some of you need to bring your use of quotes in. If a quote is longer than a few lines, it needs to be block quoted. When I looked over papers and articles for my former boss's journal, we almost always asked authors to get rid of the block quotes in favor of a wonderful summary or paraphrase. It is okay to block quote text from a book or a poem, but it is generally not okay to copy a researcher's words. Research is very different than writing a literary analysis. Use your quotes sparingly.

2. At the end of your research paper (after your Works Cited), answer these questions:

  • What is (or was) the weakest part/element of your research paper?
  • What are your strengths when it comes to writing a research paper? 
  • Did you choose the right topic? Explain.
3. Begin working on your new Article of the Week. Click here for your article (an interview in this case) and analysis instructions. It is due next Tuesday. 

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