Thursday, April 23, 2015

Cause and Effect Essay

Your task is to write a literary analysis examining how complex characters develop a theme in Of Mice and Men (RL.10.3). Review your scoring guide here.

After you've chosen a worthy theme, brainstorm how the character(s) develop that them over the course of the novel or through their interactions with other characters. Then start your introduction. You will write a typical funnel introduction (works every time). Here is a sample:

What elements does Kenzie include in her introduction? Use hers as a model for your introduction.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Monday, April 13, 2015

Of Mice and Men

A lot to analyze with this novel...

First, who are the mice and who are the men?

Let's examine Steinbeck's choice of title. Click here to read the poem "To a Mouse" by Robert Burns. Look at the original and the translation. Then click here for a quick assessment. (RL.10.9)

Second, some literary experts think Of Mice and Men is an allegory, an artistic or literary device in which characters or events represent or symbolize broader ideas and concepts. Consider this painting:

Any ideas as to what it symbolizes or represents? What about the individual objects and people?

Because Steinbeck often chose to write about the every man, it is very realistic to think that his novella is a critique of the state of humanity, with the ranch representing the greater society. So what aspect, role, or facet of society do the characters in this novel represent? If you were creating an allegorical picture, how would you symbolize the characters? 

Add your group's thoughts on groups and tone here

Monday, April 6, 2015

Of Mice and Men Mini Research Project

We will begin reading Steinbeck's novel Of Mice and Men soon, but before we delve into the 1930's, we should probably learn a little about that time period. You will work with a small group to study one of the following topics of the 1930's:

  • The Great Depression
  • The Dust Bowl
  • Migrant Workers
For your exploration, you need to research the social, political, and economic causes and impacts of each event or group. This document will help you organize your findings. Make a copy for your group so that you can record your information. You can start your research by accessing our databases or even checking out books from the LMC or Mid-Continent.

As you are considering which information to incorporate into your findings, please use this chart to evaluate the source of the information. 

Your group will share your findings with the class. Please create a presentation in one member's Google Drive so that all members can contribute equally to your finished project. If you want to use a different presentation medium, talk to me first. Your presentation should included:
  • an overview of your topic
  • important details about the social, political, and economic causes and impacts
  • pictures and/ or videos from credible sources 
  • citations for information and media 

Friday, March 20, 2015

You are an editor and a mentor!

We have been invited to comment on some writings and blog activity for a group of Ms. Selock's sixth graders at South Valley Middle School. Please find your sixth grade writing buddy in this document, and read his or her narrative. If you can make comments, do so. If the technology isn't working, we'll make comments next week. Don't forget your buddy's name.

Here's how you write a quality comment:

Thursday, February 19, 2015