Monday, April 6, 2015

Of Mice and Men Mini Research Project

We will begin reading Steinbeck's novel Of Mice and Men soon, but before we delve into the 1930's, we should probably learn a little about that time period. You will work with a small group to study one of the following topics of the 1930's:

  • The Great Depression
  • The Dust Bowl
  • Migrant Workers
For your exploration, you need to research the social, political, and economic causes and impacts of each event or group. This document will help you organize your findings. Make a copy for your group so that you can record your information. You can start your research by accessing our databases or even checking out books from the LMC or Mid-Continent.

As you are considering which information to incorporate into your findings, please use this chart to evaluate the source of the information. 

Your group will share your findings with the class. Please create a presentation in one member's Google Drive so that all members can contribute equally to your finished project. If you want to use a different presentation medium, talk to me first. Your presentation should included:
  • an overview of your topic
  • important details about the social, political, and economic causes and impacts
  • pictures and/ or videos from credible sources 
  • citations for information and media 

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