Monday, April 13, 2015

Of Mice and Men

A lot to analyze with this novel...

First, who are the mice and who are the men?

Let's examine Steinbeck's choice of title. Click here to read the poem "To a Mouse" by Robert Burns. Look at the original and the translation. Then click here for a quick assessment. (RL.10.9)

Second, some literary experts think Of Mice and Men is an allegory, an artistic or literary device in which characters or events represent or symbolize broader ideas and concepts. Consider this painting:

Any ideas as to what it symbolizes or represents? What about the individual objects and people?

Because Steinbeck often chose to write about the every man, it is very realistic to think that his novella is a critique of the state of humanity, with the ranch representing the greater society. So what aspect, role, or facet of society do the characters in this novel represent? If you were creating an allegorical picture, how would you symbolize the characters? 

Add your group's thoughts on groups and tone here

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